Monday, November 9, 2009

Flours and granola

I did it ! I finally had my blood taken. It was certainly not easy, there were buckets for tears involved, But the relief of actually doing it and being that much closer to figuring things out, felt great.

So I decided that I am going to start creating that cookbook again. This time though, there will be obvious changes. No gluten, no dairy, and minimal refined sugars. I have been throwing myself into the world of gluten free living. There are so many little changes that have to be made when baking so that you don't end up with a foul tasting brick at the end. I never knew that you had to add different starches and flours together to some what replicate the texture/consistancy of glutenous flours. I was always under the assumption that brown rice flour would cut it every time... I was so wrong. I have a drawer full of these starches and flours now! White and Brown flours, Sweet sorghum flour, tapioca starch, potato starch and flour, millet flour, oat flour...

Speaking of oats... They are on the fence with many people with Gluten intolerance. They themselves are not usually the culprit, but the chances of them being cross contaminated with wheat and barley is fairly high. I tried out gluten free oats and they were great, no reaction... But I thought I would give it a shot with Quaker Oats, just to see if I was that small percent that doesnt have a bad reaction. For the first little while, they were okay. Then slowly everytime I ate them, I could feel my stomach not sitting right. I attempted yesturday, and that will be my last bowl of regular oats. I was half way through the bowl and my stomach ballooned up and I had stomach cramps. So I went out today and picked up some certified Gluten free oats. I have been craving Granola and yogurt (soy) for a long time, so I created this recipe...

Oat and buckwheat Granola

2 cups GF Oats
1/3 cup Buckwheat
1 1.5 Tbsp Brown Sugar ( I used Demerara sugar)
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 cup Agave nectar
2 Tbsp Water
1 Tbsp Coconut oil

Preheat oven to 275

It a large bowl, mix together oats, buckwheat, sugar, and salt.
In a small saucepan, mix together agave, water and coconut oil. Warm through and pour into the oat mixture. Mix well and pour onto a cookie sheet.
Bake for 25 mins

While oats are baking, mix together 1/3 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/3 cup raisins, 1/2 cut slivered almonds and 1/2 tsp cinnamon.

After the 25 mins are up, Mix in the "extras" and continue to bake for another 10-15 mins.
Cool completely before storing in an air tight conatiner.

( you can use a variety of different dried fruit and nuts for the "extras". This is just my personal favorite)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Where to start.

I finally went to the doctors this morning to get a referal to a nutritionist or a dietician to start figuring out why most food hurts me. I have spent probably 95% of my time awake, searching for answers and testing out food. I finally broke yesterday when I ate a golden delicious apple and experienced sharp stomach pains. An apple! I have always been able to eat apples and not feel like that. It just feels like it is getting worse.
The doctor sent me on my way with a sheet of paper. The paper is for a blood test. I hate(fear) blood tests. But, I am going tomorrow morning, because as much as I cant stand them, the idea of living with this frustration is far worse.
Through my own trail and error, I do know that wheat makes me ill. Right after eating it I usually have very painful stomach cramps, but notice it more the next day when I have zero energy, muscle aches, headache, and more recently I have noticed it severely effecting my mood. Before It was just the stomach ache, now I start to feel really depressed and quiet. Scary to think how fast things went from bad to the worst.
I have known I had lactose intolerance my whole life. When I was little, after I had dairy, my stomach would get really bloated and rock hard. So I have been drinking rice, soy and almond milk since then. I had still been eating butter and cheese though, which does not make any sense, so I have cut that out recently.
Alas, the search continues for a pain free life...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

You can't eat that...


It has been so long since my last post, But that does not mean I have not been busy in the kitchen! I have still been making bread, despite the heat wave we have been having... Trying my hand at spelt bread lately. I found a recipe on which has worked out really well! I always find that when I bake with spelt, it turns out to be a dense disappointment. But the rise and texture of this bread is great! I am going to be testing out different flours and rising agents in the next little while, as I am finding that I just dont think my body can tolerate wheat. My intolerances to food drive me crazy! I can't have milk or soft cheeses ( my favorite!), sugar of any sort makes my skin flare up, wheat, coffee, fruit, blah blah blah... seriously. If I eat a diet of strictly fish and greens, I will be set. But my love of food usually comes first and I pay the price...

Oh well! Pictures will come soon...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I went strawberry picking with my sister Amanda a few days ago, and came home with 13lbs of strawberries... that is a lot of berries! So, naturally, I made jam. I made the basic strawberry, then in the second batch, I added some raspberries and lime. I really love the combination. I am really looking forward to making straight raspberry jam, and blackberry too!

Summer is here! I can't wait to get some more of these gems from the farmers market Sunday!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Banana Bread

Bananas. I found a whole bunch of organic bananas for 50 cents/pound and could not resist. Banana bread was their future, as well as the freezer. And let me tell you, this recipe is hands down the best I have ever had. I am never really satisfied with my baking, there is always something to adjust, but I messed around with some recipes and came up with this one. It is a winner. When I make banana bread I add nuts, either pecans or walnuts and if the mood strikes, chocolate chips. Although that is very rare. Not a huge fan of chocolate chip laden foods. It has to be either full blown chocolate, or none at all... usually. This bread is really the base.

My Banana Bread.

2 eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
4 medium bananas (1 1/3 cups mashed)
1/3 cup whole milk
1 Tbsp vanilla
1 Tbsp melted butter
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 whole wheat flour
2 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 325 f. Butter and lightly flour loaf pan.
In a large bowl, mix together eggs and sugars. Add mashed bananas, milk, vanilla and melted butter. Add white and whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix until just combined. Pour into prepared loaf pan and bake for 1 hour. Let rest 10 minutes, then remove from pan to cooling rack.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In the last two days.

Hello. It has been a long stretch of time since I have posted. I have tried many times to post pictures but It took to long for them to load, I became frustrated and went on to other projects. So as I was sitting in bed at 3:30 this morning ( I woke hungry and needed a piece of cake) I decided that I would just write about my cooking and projects, and the pictures will come later.
I have been busy. I tried my hand making a sachertorte yesturday, this was a long time coming ( a friend requested it for Easter, but I made cupcakes instead. It seemed too daunting a task to be made for a group I was still quite shy around. Delicious, especially at 3:30am. There are a few tweeks here and there that I will do when I make it again. I really like trying to perfect a recipe. I have spent days making a peticular dish or dessert over and over, hopefully improving it with time and experience.
I went to the farmers market on sunday and picked up some young zucchini and a glorious bunch of purple kale. Last night, I made dinner for katrina and jenn. I have fond memories of this hardy meal, sitting in the cafe after close with nathan and alistair, digging into it with our fingers and a fork ( and cold beer of course). It is a one pan meal of sausages from oyama, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, olive oil and salt and pepper. After all those flavours marry together, you soak up the juices with handfuls of crusty bread. It is surly one of my favorite comfort foods. simple and full of good memories. Like comfort food should be.
Tuesdays being my usual day off, I woke up, put on some music, made some coffee, and started looking for recipes to fill my day. I was lucky enough to find some beautifully spotted bananas on the counter and still having some zucchinis, I made a bread out of the two. It is still cooling on the counter, so I can not comment on the flavour, but the smell that fills my house is very promising.
Oh and there is more... I have been looking for different ways to use my sourdough starters ( I have one apple starter and one "regular" starter that I have been feeding and using for months) other than the usual suspect, bread, and I found a recipe for pancakes. You use one cup of starter for them, and they turned out alright. Needs some tweeking ;) But there seem to be an abundance of different starters. You can essencially make a starter out of any fruit that will ferment. My next project is a potato starter. Yum, potato bread...

Monday, June 1, 2009

chicks and snakes

Okay, I have two chicks. I have had them for a week now and am starting to loose my mind. If I have another sleepless night from their constant chirping, I'm going to loose it. snap. They are terribly cute, and If I hold out a few weeks longer, they will find a nice home in Richmond...
And holy shit! Midge laid 12 eggs. I did not see this coming. I just thought she was a really big girl. haha. She is a very protective mother, as she coiled and hissed as I removed the lone egg she disregarded. I opened that egg, curiosity got the best of me and I really wanted to know if the eggs were fertilized. Turns out they are and I will be expecting 10-11 baby snakes in 50-60 days. If anyone is interested in having one, feel free to contact me about it...
This is moments before I cut it in half. I definitly cringed apon seeing the yogurt-like fluid come spilling out. There was a little snake fetus inside, probably the size of a nickle. The shell was not soft and not hard, more like leather, and the dents in the egg are from lack of humidity. crazy.